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Members' Information

Thank you to everyone who attended our first members' meeting on Thursday 3rd October

The slides and annual accounts for last year may be found here:​




The management team presented the results for last year and the plans for the year ahead.

The meeting confirmed the election of the Management Team for the next year.

There were a few questions at the end of the meeting details of which are below:


DCSL - AGM       3rd October 2024

Vote to confirm Management Team passed by a near unanimous show of hands (non-members are not allowed to vote).

2024-5 Management Team:

Toby Rubbra, Ian Pickford, Glyn Martin, Jane Martin, Gary Reed, Tim Stone, Peter Clements, Liz Wiseman, Steve Wiseman.

Questions and Suggestions

Q:   Would you be able to run a community bus between the local villages to bring people to The Drewe?

A:    This isn’t in our current plans but we are thinking through a transport strategy.


Q:   Is food more profitable than drink?

A:   Yes. The figures recently quoted in the media on drink are possibly misleading. Overheads – heat, light, accommodation, staffing etc, have to be factored into prices.


Q:   Have there been any bad reviews?

A:   So far all 5* save one 4.5* but this is only from 21 reviews. We need many more. High ratings especially on Trip Advisor really make a difference in attracting custom.


Q:   Do you see locally sourced food as important?

A:   We use locally sourced ingredients whenever possible. This is part of our core values. There is a tension between high quality local ingredients and affordability. We work with local suppliers to provide value.


Q:   From the numbers, do you see a way to breaking even?

A:   We can see more ways of earning money. The staff costs have been high as we have trained staff and not always correctly anticipated when there will be high demand. Moving into Autumn, accommodation will open and more events are planned. We hope to be in a stronger position next year. We need all the community to support the pub by buying food and drink and encouraging others.

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